You might want to download entire websites and their contents, so that you can browse those pages you need without having to connect to the Internet. This is very useful for copying small websites to your PC.
Save, Download All Webpages: Create Offline Copy of Websites
# Fresh WebSuction: Save All Website Pages for Offline Browsing
Fresh WebSuction(download) is designed for downloading Web pages or web contents (reference material, software files, online books, e-zines, news articles) for viewing offline, and saving money on Internet connection fees. If you pay fees for the amount of time you are online you can save money by quickly downloading all the Web sites you want to view and disconnecting.
Its user interface is very easy to use. Just enter the address, and let it download entire web pages while you go. It is capable of downloading up to 50 files simultaneously and speed up your browsing by saving pages to your hard drive, rather than relying on your Internet connection speed. This software is 100% free, no spyware, and updated regularly.
You can set which file types and file extensions to be handled by Fresh Websuction. File types can be : HTML, Images,Audio,Video,Documents, Archived,User-defined and others. File extensions can be : htm, html, shtm, shtml, htms, htmlx, asp, pl, stm, stml,idc, htx, xsp, xml, cfm, cgi, htmp, php, php3, nsf, jsp, aspx.
# BackStreet Browser: Free Website Downloader, Website Grabber
BackStreet Browser(download) is a free, powerful offline browser. A high-speed, multi-threading website download and viewing program. By making multiple simultaneous server requests, It can quickly download entire website or part of a site including HTML, graphics, Java Applets, sound and other user definable files, and saves all the files in your hard drive, either in their native format, or as a compressed ZIP file and view offline.
After downloading, all links within the website are reconstructed creating a complete hard drive copy of the site that you can view at your own pace without being connected to the Internet. Additionally, BackStreet Browser provides the option of duplicating the original directory structure of a site making it easy to download and transfer a site to another server.
In the event you lose your Internet connection while downloading a site, the Resume Session allows you to pick up a session where you left off after re-establishing your Internet connection. If you wish to update a previously downloaded site, the Update Session feature allows you to revisit a site using new search parameters to make sure you have the most current files.
# HTTrack Website Copier – Download All Website Pages
HTTrack(download) allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.
It arranges the original site’s relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.
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