Bali Island is also known as "Island of Thousand Temple" has a special ritual in treating the ancestors or relatives who have died.Where in other places of the deceased is generally buried, not so with the Balinese Hindu community. As Hindus in India,
they will hold a cremation ceremony called Ngaben, ie the ritual burning of the bodies as a symbol of purification of the spirit of the deceased.
In Hindu belief, the human body consists of coarse body (physical) and Alus body (spirit or atma). Rough body is formed by 5 elements-called Panca Maha Bhuta, which consists of the earth (ground), Apah (water), Teja (fire), wind (wind), and akasa (space).
The fifth element is fused to form human physical then moved by the spirit. When someone dies, the dead body is actually just a ballpark alone, while his spirit is not. Therefore, it is necessary to purify the spirit of Ceremonies Ngaben to separate between the bodies are rough and spirit.
About the origin of the word Ngaben itself there are three opinions. Some say comes from the word meaning Beya stock, some of the words merunutnya ngabu or to ashes, and there is also an associate with the word ngapen the purification by using fire. In Hinduism, the god Brahma the creator or also known as the god of fire. Therefore, Ngaben Ceremonies can also be seen as an attempt to burn the bodies of coarse dirt in the form attached to the spirits (called pralina or merge the bodies), and the spirit returns to her Creator.
For the Balinese, ceremonies Ngaben a happy moment. Because with implementing Ngaben, children or parents have been carrying out its obligations as a member of the family. For children who have grown up, Ngaben ceremony is considered as one form thanks to dead parents. Therefore, for the relatives left behind, Ngaben ceremony was greeted with joy, far from sobs. Because they believe, will only hamper sobs spirit journey towards nirvana.
However, not everyone who dies can be directly in-Aben. There also are buried in advance for reasons not yet have enough money. This ceremony does require a lot of cost (ranging from tens to hundreds of millions of dollars) because its implementation requires a variety of devices ceremony (upakara).Therefore, Ngaben ceremony may be several years after a relative died. Even to save costs, Ngaben also be carried out in bulk.
Ngaben ceremony usually held for the deceased and no body. For people who body was not found or difficult to recognize, such as a plane crash, the sea swept away, stricken by fire, or become victims of the bombing (as the case of the Bali Bombing I and II), the family still be able to implement Ngaben by taking land for the death location burned. As for infants under the age of 42 days or baby teeth that have not been on his remains should be buried. If still want to be Aben, it can be done by following the ceremony Ngaben a family member who also died.
Ngaben ritual usually held in a lively and involving hundreds to thousands of people consisting of relatives and local residents banjo (social organization typical Balinese community level with the Pillars of Citizens).In its development, this unique ceremony also become one of the tourism agenda, in which domestic and foreign tourists can participate and watch this ritual, especially on the main stage of the ceremony, which is cremation.
Before the cremation done, there are several steps that must be done by the family, such as bathing the corpse, Ngajum, burning or Ngaben, and Nyekah. Before the first stage of purification of the body done, the family will be facing Rauh (Balinese Hindu priest) to ask a good day to do the ceremony Ngaben. If Ngaben held immediately after a family member dies, it usually Rauh will choose a good day.
Having obtained the appropriate time, the family immediately perform the first ritual, namely nyiramin layon or bathing the corpse. The procession of bathing the corpse was carried out by Rauh that represent the Brahmans. After the bath, the corpse was given a complete Balinese traditional clothes. The next ritual is Ngajum, the ritual of releasing the spirit by making symbols that describe the process and elements of spiritual purification.
On the sidelines of the two this ritual, relatives assisted the local community will make bade (tower) and ox (ox-like sculpture that will become a corpse) with colorful paper decorations. On the appointed day, usually Ngaben ceremony will be held in the village cemetery (Setra). The body will be placed above Aben bade (tower) whose height is influenced by the caste of the corpse. Highest tower (can reach tens of meters and weigh several tons), destined for the corpse from the class of Brahmins (religious leaders), which is lower for the class of Knights (of kings) and Wesia (traders), while the lowest tower for class Sudra ( ordinary people). The tower is also symbolic of the separation between heaven and earth, where the spirit will be delivered towards nirvana.
they will hold a cremation ceremony called Ngaben, ie the ritual burning of the bodies as a symbol of purification of the spirit of the deceased.
In Hindu belief, the human body consists of coarse body (physical) and Alus body (spirit or atma). Rough body is formed by 5 elements-called Panca Maha Bhuta, which consists of the earth (ground), Apah (water), Teja (fire), wind (wind), and akasa (space).
The fifth element is fused to form human physical then moved by the spirit. When someone dies, the dead body is actually just a ballpark alone, while his spirit is not. Therefore, it is necessary to purify the spirit of Ceremonies Ngaben to separate between the bodies are rough and spirit.
About the origin of the word Ngaben itself there are three opinions. Some say comes from the word meaning Beya stock, some of the words merunutnya ngabu or to ashes, and there is also an associate with the word ngapen the purification by using fire. In Hinduism, the god Brahma the creator or also known as the god of fire. Therefore, Ngaben Ceremonies can also be seen as an attempt to burn the bodies of coarse dirt in the form attached to the spirits (called pralina or merge the bodies), and the spirit returns to her Creator.

However, not everyone who dies can be directly in-Aben. There also are buried in advance for reasons not yet have enough money. This ceremony does require a lot of cost (ranging from tens to hundreds of millions of dollars) because its implementation requires a variety of devices ceremony (upakara).Therefore, Ngaben ceremony may be several years after a relative died. Even to save costs, Ngaben also be carried out in bulk.
Ngaben ceremony usually held for the deceased and no body. For people who body was not found or difficult to recognize, such as a plane crash, the sea swept away, stricken by fire, or become victims of the bombing (as the case of the Bali Bombing I and II), the family still be able to implement Ngaben by taking land for the death location burned. As for infants under the age of 42 days or baby teeth that have not been on his remains should be buried. If still want to be Aben, it can be done by following the ceremony Ngaben a family member who also died.

Before the cremation done, there are several steps that must be done by the family, such as bathing the corpse, Ngajum, burning or Ngaben, and Nyekah. Before the first stage of purification of the body done, the family will be facing Rauh (Balinese Hindu priest) to ask a good day to do the ceremony Ngaben. If Ngaben held immediately after a family member dies, it usually Rauh will choose a good day.
Having obtained the appropriate time, the family immediately perform the first ritual, namely nyiramin layon or bathing the corpse. The procession of bathing the corpse was carried out by Rauh that represent the Brahmans. After the bath, the corpse was given a complete Balinese traditional clothes. The next ritual is Ngajum, the ritual of releasing the spirit by making symbols that describe the process and elements of spiritual purification.
On the sidelines of the two this ritual, relatives assisted the local community will make bade (tower) and ox (ox-like sculpture that will become a corpse) with colorful paper decorations. On the appointed day, usually Ngaben ceremony will be held in the village cemetery (Setra). The body will be placed above Aben bade (tower) whose height is influenced by the caste of the corpse. Highest tower (can reach tens of meters and weigh several tons), destined for the corpse from the class of Brahmins (religious leaders), which is lower for the class of Knights (of kings) and Wesia (traders), while the lowest tower for class Sudra ( ordinary people). The tower is also symbolic of the separation between heaven and earth, where the spirit will be delivered towards nirvana.
The relatives and residents banjo accompaniment Bade (tower) and cattle, where the body will be burned
Bade and cattle are then carried and paraded to the Setra (cemetery) to the accompaniment of gamelan bleganjur. Arriving at Setra, back purification ceremony performed by the mantra recited by a Rauh. Mantra is an abstract symbol of fire that would burn the impurities inherent in the atma or spirit. After purification, cremation procession then carried out by burning Bade and cattle that contain the bodies turned to ashes.
Bade and cattle are then carried and paraded to the Setra (cemetery) to the accompaniment of gamelan bleganjur. Arriving at Setra, back purification ceremony performed by the mantra recited by a Rauh. Mantra is an abstract symbol of fire that would burn the impurities inherent in the atma or spirit. After purification, cremation procession then carried out by burning Bade and cattle that contain the bodies turned to ashes.
Bodies in the calf and then burned
Time cremation form of ash and then collected for floated in the sea. For the Hindu community, the sea is believed to be a symbol of the universe and the door to nirvana. After floated, the family will perform the ceremony Ngaben last procession, namely Nyekah. Nyekah is a ritual that has been named the ancestral spirits on-Aben as an ancestor on each merajan (holy place in the family temple complex). With this ritual, the family can continue to pray for ancestors on the family temple complex respectively.
By witnessing the ceremony Ngaben, tourists can feel how strong kinship ties in Balinese society.Because, Ngaben ceremony is a manifestation of the strong memories and respect for the people of Bali to the ancestors and relatives of relatives. Even for the people of Bali, it is believed that the spirits of ancestors who had been in-Aben can be reincarnated back into the family circle, for example, through a granddaughter who is the reincarnation of his grandfather.
Ngaben ceremony can be said almost uniformly implemented in all areas of Bali, Indonesia. It's just that their implementation depends heavily on the organizers, the next of kin.
Tourists who witnessed the ceremony Ngaben no charge.
Time cremation form of ash and then collected for floated in the sea. For the Hindu community, the sea is believed to be a symbol of the universe and the door to nirvana. After floated, the family will perform the ceremony Ngaben last procession, namely Nyekah. Nyekah is a ritual that has been named the ancestral spirits on-Aben as an ancestor on each merajan (holy place in the family temple complex). With this ritual, the family can continue to pray for ancestors on the family temple complex respectively.
By witnessing the ceremony Ngaben, tourists can feel how strong kinship ties in Balinese society.Because, Ngaben ceremony is a manifestation of the strong memories and respect for the people of Bali to the ancestors and relatives of relatives. Even for the people of Bali, it is believed that the spirits of ancestors who had been in-Aben can be reincarnated back into the family circle, for example, through a granddaughter who is the reincarnation of his grandfather.
Ngaben ceremony can be said almost uniformly implemented in all areas of Bali, Indonesia. It's just that their implementation depends heavily on the organizers, the next of kin.
Tourists who witnessed the ceremony Ngaben no charge.
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