Subak is a system of management of agricultural irrigation flow distribution typical Balinese society. This system has been known since hundreds of years ago and proved able to increase agricultural productivity Balinese society. Through a system of water control system, farmers get a water allocation is decided in accordance with citizen deliberation.Philosophically, the presence of water control system is the implementation of the concept of tri hita karana. Tri hita karana is the concept of a harmonious relationship between man and god, man with nature, and between humans. So the activities in the water control system is not always about agriculture, but also include social interaction between citizens and religious rituals for success in farming.
Potential local wisdom is then enshrined into Subak Museum is located at Jalan Gatot Subroto, Sanggulan, Tabanan, Bali Province. Subak museum was inaugurated by the governor of Bali on October 13, 1981. This museum can be visited from Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 08:00 to 13:00.Meanwhile on Sunday and national holidays, Subak Museum closed.
Potential local wisdom is then enshrined into Subak Museum is located at Jalan Gatot Subroto, Sanggulan, Tabanan, Bali Province. Subak museum was inaugurated by the governor of Bali on October 13, 1981. This museum can be visited from Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 08:00 to 13:00.Meanwhile on Sunday and national holidays, Subak Museum closed.
Subak Museum is the only museum that explores the agricultural affairs in Bali. In this museum exhibited miniature water control system complete with pictures of such pembuatanya process, stages of finding water sources, the process of making the water tunnel, dam construction, and manufacturing liaison channels to be used in drain water into the rice fields of the population. Subak Museum also has an audio visual data about the process of rice cultivation from members of the Subak deliberation, an agreement setting the water, up to religious rituals to invoke the success of the harvest.
In addition, the museum is also in the showcase of traditional farming tools such as cutting tools and Balinese rice pounder, rice hijacker tool, a tool to repair irrigation channels. There is also a miniature of a traditional kitchen complete with layout and furniture to cook rice. Visitors can add their knowledge about agriculture by visiting a library facility that is in this museum complex. Collection in the library is quite complete. Starting from various cross-disciplinary study of the Subak system until the problems of agriculture in general.
In addition, the museum is also in the showcase of traditional farming tools such as cutting tools and Balinese rice pounder, rice hijacker tool, a tool to repair irrigation channels. There is also a miniature of a traditional kitchen complete with layout and furniture to cook rice. Visitors can add their knowledge about agriculture by visiting a library facility that is in this museum complex. Collection in the library is quite complete. Starting from various cross-disciplinary study of the Subak system until the problems of agriculture in general.
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